When you’re looking for AC maintenance services in Belleville, ON, Armour Home Comfort can provide high-quality and efficient services, so that you’re prepared for the warm, summer months. Scheduling maintenance for your air conditioner before the weather turns hot will ensure that your air conditioner is working efficiently, which can help you save money on your electric bills. Maintaining your AC will also help ensure that it starts right up at the beginning of the season. You won’t have to spend a day in the heat without a working air conditioner. Home AC maintenance can be a breeze when you have the right people on your side. You will also get a free quote for the service that you need.

AC Maintenance Service in Belleville

If you want to keep your AC in tip-top shape throughout the year, you should talk to us about getting air conditioner maintenance services. You might notice that your air conditioner is making more noise, or you might notice that your bills are becoming more expensive. Rather than paying higher bills and still needing maintenance services later down the road, call about an AC maintenance service. Over the long run, you could save hundreds of dollars a year or even more on repair costs. And you can save yourself the frustration of living in an uncomfortable environment because the AC won’t cool the entire house satisfactorily.

Our AC maintenance service includes:
  • Lubricating motors and bearings
  • Checking for leaks
  • Checking for loose electrical connections
  • Cleaning out the condensate drain

One of the best ways to avoid larger problems with your air conditioner is to have technicians regularly maintain it. This will ensure that small problems, such as dirty filters and clogged pipes, don’t become bigger problems that cost even more money to fix. When we come out to your home, we can find all of the areas that we need to clean, oil, or repair.